Robin and Marc Miller joined the DMRF Board of Directors.

The Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (DMRF) announced at their annual meeting a new President of the Board of Directors and two new Directors as a result of joining with the non-profit organization Cure Dystonia Now. Each of these new appointments will enhance the DMRF’s work in service to the dystonia community.

Mark Rudolph was appointed President of the Board of Directors. Mr. Rudolph previously served as Treasurer since 2007. He and his wife Diane Rudolph joined the DMRF Board of Directors in 2004 after their son was diagnosed with generalized dystonia as a young child. He is a finance executive and partner at CSuite Financial Partners.

Cure Dystonia Now Founders Robin and Marc Miller are the DMRF’s newest Board Members. Upon joining DMRF, the Millers established the Cure Dystonia Now Fund in continuation of their commitment to advancing dystonia research. Multiple generations of the Miller family are affected by dystonia. Mrs. Miller’s background is in management consulting and physical therapy. Mr. Miller has worked as General Counsel for mortgage companies, including publicly traded firms, for the past 25 years.

“The Millers have been generous supporters of the DMRF for years, and together we’ve funded critically important research investigations. We are excited to welcome them to our Board and begin this new chapter of collaboration,” said Mr. Rudolph.

“This partnership will reduce redundant efforts and get us closer to what we all want—better treatments and ultimately a cure for dystonia. We’re very much looking forward to continue working with DMRF, now as a part of this great organization,” stated Mr. Miller.

Additional Board appointments include John Downey elected Treasurer, Paula Schneider elected Vice President of Support, and Karen Ross, PhD elected to the new position of Vice President of Mental Health Programming.

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The Dystonia Medical Research Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to advancing research for improved dystonia treatments and ultimately a cure, promoting awareness, and supporting the well-being of affected individuals and families.
